Monday, November 9, 2009

Bastian, big,siamese, and the owner of a human family

He can be seen and heard, the 15 year old, Bastian, as apparently animals are now taking up human as a second language. (They definitely are in my house too; I can hardly get a word in anymore)
"Nooooooo," he tells his owners when they aren't treating him like properly, or serving him some tuna, which he ate while recovering from an unknown illness earlier this year.
(always suspicious as clever cats could be feigning a feline fever to get that tuna)
Bastian is half Siamese and half Himalayan, and he is not a small cat either, as he carries a steady 20 pounds, even at his age, which is older than the children in the house.
This is a cat who is loved and admired by his family.

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