You gotta love the little dogs...some have not much fur, in fact, a few tufts and that's about it on Gizmo, the hairless chiahuahua, and leader of the pack of small dogs, shown above.
He does wear a sweater in the winter to keep him warm. But it's not quite as cute as his daughter, Blue, who could be a run way model in her outfit set off with jewels.
She is also part hairless, but maintains a head of hair, and a tail of whispy strands that make her the toast of the town.
Her dad coddles her in his lap and always has to brush out her hair and dress her up in different doggy outfits.
There's more where these two came from, as they are part of the tiny pack of small doggy mixes. There are five more of them.
And they are the good friends of my dogs Walter and Johnson. When we come over the songs are sung by the little dogs, (really they do sing), to announce my arrival and that of my boys.
That's the pampered and spoiled crowd, you gotta love em'.
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