Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy parrot expressions...

Here she is my pride and joy, showing off her happy facial expressions that only a bird owner and her friends can see. But look closely and you see a blue and gold macaw who loves to have her picture taken.
She has many friends who visit her and she sometimes does not want them to leave so she bites them. Oh, yes, they are cute and they do bite.
We have learned never to be too close when we say "bye bye" because that word she knows: I'm going to be left alone.
So, then she bites us.
In this picture her good friend woke her up one fine morning and she was so happy to see him, and his camera, that she gave us this cute shot.
Sky is eight years old and knows many words, banana being one of her favorites. She calls me by name and yells at the dogs. She can immitate a duck, chicken, dog, cat, rooster, and we no longer allow her to do the monkey, it was way too much.
When I go outside she yells for me: "Laura"
Then she says, "come back."
It's really cute. We are a house full of pets, two dogs, a cat and a parrot. And interesting, they all talk. And I talk to myself.
We're the noisiest house on the block and I live alone...

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