Sunday, November 29, 2009

Johnson's last stand: stop the vomiting

Johnson's last stand...

After two hours he puked again. My friend called and said she had some phenergran suppositories, which are an anti-emetic and have a sedative effect.

I called the vet and she said at this point to give it a try. There was the choice of going orally with Donnatol or trying a piece of the suppository. I said go for the butt, he hasn't been able to even chew a papertowel with water, so it will come up.

We put it in, and he's quiet. He looks more relaxed too. It's a wait and see. We were very conservative with the dose, shaving off a small piece. Deb has small dogs, whereas my experiece is more with the big lugs.

She's currently wiping a some water into his mouth which is parched and caked.

A few drops of water were administered, we're holding back on the subcutaneous as his lungs are a bit rattilly as I may have given him too much last night.

He's no more than 5 pounds so it's hard to determine what exactly he takes in the way of everything, including food.

There was one night I thought I had popped him. He ate way too much and had rolled over on his back. These dogs require vigilence and are high maintanence, never to be adopted on a whim.

Right now Johnson's eyes are relieved and he has taken some water. Earlier you couldn't touch his mouth without puking (I don't know what word to use, purging I guess).

If she hadn't done this he would have no chance at all I assure you. I'll update soon... Now we're attempting an oral rehydration and he seems to be taking it.

I want to say we are trying to do all that is practical, comforting in a reasonable way. But in no way do I recommend doing this particular regimine to anyone. A vet is the one who knows.

But in this economy there is a class of citizens known as our best our friends, who do not have insurance and you're forced into dealing with things in whatever manner you can. There are no vets giving free rides and they really can't, but we could use more help.

These are our dogs, our protectors, our children, they sleep and eat with us, they talk to us whether their foul mouthed parrots or not, and we need them to be insured too. There is no ER that will pay for Johnson's treatment, but the government requires hospitals to pay for people who are urgently ill, which I'll be talking about on the other blog, KVHD under fire soon.

It's a society with compassion who treats it's animals with the same care and concern as we treat our human friends.

But we're not treating our human friends well either these days, and that's not for this blog, but soon.

Here's a picture post one hour since administering the suppository, and water and now up to pedialyte: no throwing up.

Update soon...

He's more relaxed now. Poor guy. But tough guy, let me tell you.

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