Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's cat week: in celebration of cats

This post is actually in celebration of my cats, the best cats who ever lived. They climbed mountains with me, traveled with me, and were much smarter than me, they were the best:

Here's a picture inidicating you should never watch scary movies with your cat. They get scared too.

Slinky Bink, hiding from the camera which she hated all her life. But here I caught her in a not so demure pose. Biscaleeny, the biggest, baddest, cat around, was actually afraid of his own shadow. But he had other good qualities.

Furney, was small in comparison to the others, but he could take on cats twice his size. And he always protected his bigger brother, Biscaleeny.

Leever was the lost cat, he and Biscaleeny, both nursed off my dog, Doller Bill. Yes, it was weird, and why we will never know, but the cats drink dog milk until they were almost a year and a half. I finally had to stop it, and had the dog neutered. My dog apparently forgot the part about weaning them.

The cats who were used to being outdoors as well as in, were taken aback when they had to become housecats when we lived in Berkley. So, I bought them a kitty dangler. We had some good times.

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