Saturday, November 28, 2009

six am report on Johnson: part four Johnny's ordeal (is it parvo?)

We went to sleep just after midnight, and Johnson woke up at 4 am throwing up.
Not much, but enough to weaken him a little more.
This may well be parvo as the vet suggested, but we won't be able to tell for a while, and it's a tough one to beat. Hopefully, the vet's office was correct that most dogs are surviving the outbreak.

He's tucked in and I'm giving him his liquids, he's not at all interested in food. But the vet said wait 24 hours to try and feed him, though she qualified that with "if he wants to eat let him."

He doesn't want to eat, I tried chicken. Now, he doesn't even want to lick the dog food gravy off my finger. He's into sleeping right now, which is what I guess he needs to do. But I will stay awake and keep hydrating him every 15 minutes.
Walter is right here with us, and we still have to tend to his foot, as I realized I had no peroxide. I'll borrow some from a neighbor (yeah, you reading this) and clean the nail out before I apply the liquid bandaid.
I'll check in with changes, but Johnny rotten is still breathing, so he's still in the game. He even managed to snarl at Walter for moving too close to him.

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